Friday, October 17, 2008


i could go on, and actually planned to start this with the definition of resistance. i also had hopes of making this an ode to resistance. instead, i plan to lay this out. display my lost energy on this word. write the similarities of resistance and friction. all in an effort to help my own self understand why i resist doing the things that i know i should. working-out, eating right, keeping house, writing thank yous, finishing college, ...a whole bunch of 'shoulda-coulda's' go in this list.

why is it we as human beings have such intelligent minds, but resist using them to their full capacity? why do we make things harder than need be? why can't i have a hard time resisting broccoli and vegetables, and despise chocolate? is it desire? do i need more desire or change my desires to rid myself of the ailment of resistance? no. i could desire millions but not get anywhere by desiring.

i guess resistance is what keeps us from all being equal. resistance keeps us learning about ourselves. because we'd all be at the top of the 'work ladder' if it were easy to climb. we'd never grow stronger physically or mentally without resistance. we'd never feel like we did anything to be proud of if it didn't take effort.


i like that word. it sounds like a cleaning product or a mouth wash. a wonderful word to use against resistance. perhaps, with a little effort all my resistance will wipe away like soap scum after using zoom or bam. effort. the way to battle resistance... and gingivitis.

effort. a verb. an action word.
effort. people should try this more.
effort. my new word to replace resistance.

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