Thursday, March 26, 2009

Overwhelment, Time, and Attention

you know how everyone runs around thinking there is "just NOT enough time" in a day? Lately, time isn't the only thing theres a shortage of in our home. love? oh, there's enough love. apparently, there isn't enough attention for 2 adults to pass around to 4 children.

we have had crazy bouts of kids doing wacky things to get some of that valuable stuff. crying. doing naughty things like throwing socks on high ledges or drawing on walls. getting onto the computer desk while i'm typing and hitting the back-space button on the mouse so i loose everything i was writing. getting nose bleeds. screaming. clinging. moving slower than a turtle on homework. tattle telling. we even have one kid who repeatedly has gotten fevers for the past 5 days and has decided the couch in our bedroom is her new bed. (see how desperate they are?!) ;)

branden and i feel like we've done a pretty good job of doing things with the kids. even if we sit down to watch a show, it's family friendly so everyone can cuddle together on the couch but apparently this isn't enough. perhaps it's the change in atmosphere. see, i got a job. i work from home but maybe this is what is causing children to literally throw themselves at our feet (or wrap their arms around our leg and wont let go).

so the question is, how do you spend more time and give more attention to your little ones when you are already on overload and going to bed at midnight? how do you make it possible when there is already dishes with crusted on food to be washed, or a pile of laundry that makes jumping into leaves look like something for sissies. where is the balance between household attention and attention toward the loves of your life? where do you find time for that special one-on-one stuff? where do you find time for attention from your spouse? where do you find time for yourself?

now that I have placed this into the void, maybe an answer will come. or more than one answer if we're lucky.

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